Service d'alerte - Whistleblowing Service

Service d'alerte - Whistleblowing Service

Standby France s’engage à faire du monde un endroit plus sûr et plus intelligent. Cela implique de fournir un service permettant de dénoncer les abus, conformément à notre code de conduite, et de s’assurer que toute préoccupation contraire à l’éthique, criminelle ou nuisible au sein de notre propre organisation est reconnue, traitée et corrigée.

Service d'alerte

Whistleblowing Service


We care about doing the right thing and to maintain our employees’, partners’ and the public’s confidence in us and our business. We therefore want to do everything we can to detect and prevent any misconducts in our organization as early as possible.

In our whistleblowing service, you can submit a report on suspicion of serious misconduct. If you prefer, you can also provide such reporting in person to your manager.

We have hired an independent recipient function that manages our reporting system to maintain an independent and unattached handling of the reports. All received reports and messages are handled in a way that ensures confidentiality of your identity. Your report will be encrypted, and no IP addresses can be tracked.

To ensure your anonymity – keep the following in mind:

Copy this link and type in your web browser.

Do not use the company’s computer or network.

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