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Software Options

AutoEye Xpert Pro Series

Improves road safety, reduces litigation costs, reduces vehicle down-time and enhances driver awareness

AutoEye Xpert Software Mock Screens shown on laptop and phone


Cloud based software, services and client applications for AutoEye Xpert Pro video telematics



The Standby AutoEye Xpert Pro Series of digital video and telematics systems is supported by a range of user interfaces and data collection platforms. For small deployments we provide a stand-alone PC desktop application which interfaces directly with the DVR storage media (USB, SD card, or desktop reader).

Key Features
  • A range of software applications and services for the AutoEye Xpert Pro Series mobile video telematics platforms
  • Client applications for Windows, iOS, Android and browser-based web app
  • Data hosting within user-specified geographic regions
  • Cloud and local backup solutions
  • Centralised evidence management
  • Live streaming over cellular networks
  • Mapped fleet locator with real-time updates and route marking
  • Alarm and event-based triggers for push notifications, automated uploads, and data filtering


  • Custom alarm and event markers for blues, siren, arrive at scene, and vehicle functions such as brakes, indicators, over speed etc
  • Export to popular file formats such as MP4 video and CSV metadata
  • Remote text and voice messaging functions
  • Fleet and equipment management
  • Remote maintenance and remote batch upgrade capabilities
  • Defined user access controls for fleet, equipment, and data
  • Tiered structure for locally managed national fleets
Data transfer – DVR to ‘stand Alone’ PC using Windows client

AutoEye Xpert Data Transfer Diagram

Data transfer – DVR’s using a centralised server and various client platforms

AutoEye Xpert Data Collection Diagram

User interface


Corporate users will find our browser based web app a convenient way to interface with the system as no specialised application software needs installing. IT Managers often prefer this as they don’t have to worry about the security checks, version control and deployment issues associated with dedicated application software.

The web app will run in most modern browser environments including Edge, Chrome, and Safari on Windows and MacOS.
The interface allows system administrators to manage users, define access rights, allocate fleet and equipment. Depending on permission levels, users can search for data by date/time, location, and events including overspeed, shock/acceleration, activation of lights etc.

AutoEye Xpert Software Route Screenshot

AutoEye Xpert Various Mobile App Screenshots

For emergency service users, the system can interface directly with lightbars, sirens, and other specialist vehicle equipment to log searchable events to the video timeline.

The system also supports apps for both desktop and mobile devices. For example, using the app on a mobile phone allows users to view the fleet location on a map, stream live video, playback recorded footage, and receive push alarms from definable events.

Configuration and Maintenance


As fleets grow and change, and user demands vary it’s nice to know that the AutoEye Xpert Pro Series has the flexibility in hardware and software to meet most users’ requirements for an extended life in the field.

Requirements to change the threshold of alarm conditions, rename devices or channels, change resolution and frame rate, and upload firmware can all be achieved remotely from the System Administrator’s maintenance interface. This reduces the need to visit vehicles in the field and helps to ensure the system can meet changes in user requirements as the fleet develops.

AutoEye Xpert Software Setup Screenshot

Wide ranging support for popular platforms

The AutoEye Xpert Pro Series software suite can be loaded on a wide range of popular platforms

 Windows 10 & 11

Our Windows client app offers the widest range of functionality for administrators and advanced users. It can work in “stand alone” mode or with a direct link to a server for larger fleets. Capabilities include access to all searchable events, full alarm notification and acknowledgment, evidence centre management, streaming and playback, local and remote backup, transcoding, and OTA (over the air) remote configuration and updates.

Azure Cloud Hosting
Microsoft Azure Logo

Our server can be hosted on an Azure Virtual Machine, either as part of the Standby cloud hosting service, or self-hosted by customers for in-house management. Azure brings a wealth of flexibility, functionality and security to make cloud hosting the obvious choice for larger fleets.

iOS & Android
IOS Android Logos

Client apps for iOS and Android make fleet and event management easy when on-the-go in the field. With capabilities to live stream, view map locations, and playback recordings, the apps help you make quick decisions almost anywhere, and without waiting for a laptop to boot etc.

Edge, Safari & Chrome
Edge Safari Chrome Logos

Our Web App is supported by a wide range of popular browsers including Edge, Safari, and Chrome. Pointing directly to the server, the web app makes IT client management easy as there are no apps to install, versions to update, or security tests required. Users are simply allocated a login and access rights, and use their standard browser to access the core system functions.

Supported Hardware Platforms


The Standby AutoEye Xpert Pro Series of cloud software and clients supports all Pro Series DVR hardware platforms including:

  • M1 – 5 channel SD card recorder
  • X1 – 5 channel hard drive recorder
  • X3 – 8 channel hard drive recorder
  • X5 – 12 channel hard drive recorder

See product datasheets for full specifications on these DVR’s and their associated peripheral devices and cameras. 

AutoEye Xpert Pro Home

X3 & X5 DVRs Angle View with Shadow