- The Medius is a very small compact device that also has the advantage of built in antennas
- Incorporating ‘new’ generation GSM (Mobile Phone Network) / GNSS (Satellite Navigation) modules to give the fastest ‘cold’ and ‘hot’ start-up times
- It is straight forward to install and in its simplest form only 3 wire connections are required
- The unit has 4 inputs (1 x Analogue and 3 x Digital)
- Also 2 outputs are available to provide instant driver behaviour feedback or turn other devices on and off
- Automatic Calibration (during first few journeys)
- 10 to 30 Volt Operation – less than 2mA current consumption in deep sleep mode
- Internal Back-Up Battery
- Energy saving sleep and deep sleep mode
- Hardwired connections
- Increased functionality available by optional Light Vehicle CAN Bus Adaptor and RFID Driver ID as offered with the FleetMotus Magna Elite system
- Options of Garmin FMI Support, i-Button Driver ID and Voice Communication also available

Monitoring Function
- Smart algorithm of data acquisition (time, distance, angle, ignition and event based)
- Events on I/O detection and sending via GPRS or SMS
- Tri-Axis dual level accelerometers to translate vehicle movement with remotely adjustable levels to suit vehicle type and preferred (acceptable) driving style
- Real time and historic tracking with speed recorded from Satellite Navigation (GPS) signal and/or vehicle CAN Bus
- 4 x Analogue (variable) inputs (could be used as digital on/off signals). One normally used to monitor vehicle battery voltage with others available to monitor emergency/utility equipment, and temperature etc
- 4 x Digital (on/off) inputs. One normally used to monitor vehicle ignition with others available to monitor on/off emergency/utility equipment, and PTO etc
- 4 x Digital (on/off) Outputs to control external relays, indicators and buzzer, typical driver feedback in traffic light format: Green = Good, Amber = Average, Red = Poor
- 1- Wire interface protocol
- 2 x Status LEDs
- USB interface and 2 x RS232 ports
- Internal GSM and GPS antenna’s
Vehicle Dependent Features – signals must be available to read from vehicle CAN Bus and if Light Vehicle CAN adaptor is fitted.