Male worker in Standby T-shirt working at a laptop in front of a workbench with W3 Lightbar on.


Find explanations and terms relating to approvals of our products here.

Approval Standards

We explain and simplify the approval concepts that is used on our website. What does it mean?


Civil Aviation Publication 168 sets out the standards required at UK National licensed aerodromes relating management systems, operational procedures, physical characteristics, assessment and treatment of obstacles, visual aids, rescue and fire fighting services and medical services.


Conformitè Europëenne is used to indicate that the manufacturer or importer affirms the good’s conformity with European health, safety, and environmental protection standards.

Chapter 8

‘Chapter 8’ in the UK Government Traffic Signs Manual are a series of traffic safety measures for vehicles situated at road works and temporary situations.

See here for current regulations.


Economic Commission for Europe this mark is used to indicate that the lights meet the ECE regulations for visibility, durability and reliability and are compliant for use within the EU and non-European countries that have adopted these regulations.


EU-standard for turning light (direction indicator). This approval, like R65, cover several different characteristics for the warning light.


EU-standard for EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility). EMC is ability of electrical equipment to function together with other electrical equipment without producing interferences.

All our products are EMC-tested to ensure that they do not interfere with other vital equipment.

See here for current regulations.


ECE R65 is a developed standard in the EU that affect warning and emergency light. This covers several different characteristics that a warning light has. Such as light image, colour, intensity and frequency. This applies to 360° radiant light as well as directed warning light.

For approval, all minimum requirements must be met.This approval is a requirement for products for use as warning light on vehicles.

See here for current regulations.

Class I

ECE R65 is also divided into two different classes. Class I is the standard for night mode.

Class II

Class II is the standard for day- and night mode. The equipment needs to be able to switch in order to meet the requirements.


EU-standard for break light. This approval, like R65, covers several different characteristics for the warning light.


Standard approval for the use of warning light and other equipment at airports. Same characteristics are checked as ECE R65. However, the requirements for frequency and light image are different.


Society of Automotive Engineers – establishes standards for safety and quality of products. Comprised of a number of working groups of automotive and lighting engineers that work with industry studies and other experts to set standards.

See here for current SAE standards.

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