Hero Image Lightbar on Car at Night Lit Blue, Screen Glares around lightbar on top of a white vehicle with yellow graphics, wooded location behind fence in background

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Standby Group AB
Registered Office:
Box 2001
SE – 461 11 Trollhättan


Board Member and Contact Person
Kathrin Aster

Company Registration Number

Standby AB
Marketing Coordinator
Nohabgatan 12C
SE – 46153 Trollhättan

Standby GmbH
Marketing Coordinator
Hünxer Str. 330
D-46537 Dinslaken

Standby Mercura
Marketing Coordinator
4 Rue Louis Pasteur
ZA Les Gailletrous
41260 La Chaussée-Saint-Victor

Standby UK
Marketing Coordinator
19 Hollies Business Park
Hollies Park Road
Staffordshire WS11 1DB
United Kingdom

The information on this website is constantly checked and updated. While Standby Group does its best to ensure that information provided on its website is accurate and up to date, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Standby Group shall not be held responsible for errors or omissions in the content of the website
Standby Group reserves the right to make changes to the data, materials and availability of the website at any time and without prior notice.
Standby Group shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage, including loss of profit, arising from the use of the website.
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Standby Group is also not liable for the content and availability of websites that can be reached via hyperlinks. These are external websites over whose content we have no influence.